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Societies that neglect the power of reading expose themselves to unknown risks.

One has to understand that books have always been a way to fabricate a present into a future that is fruitful. The art of recording facts, observations and philosophies made it sure that knowledge not only passes on from one generation to another but importantly it cumulates and compounds in a fluid fashion. Those societies that neglect the power of reading expose themselves to huge amounts of risks. History has shown as to how a comparatively small country like that of Britain and France ruled a large portion of the globe due to its exposure to knowledge and education. Even in this time and age, a small country like Israel with a small population and extremely limited natural resources are controlling the global financial systems and arms and ammunition industry. It shows how knowledge can be a powerful light that can illuminate the darkest of the valleys. The intrinsic growth has always been a matter of reading books that demonstrate the values and ethos of life and create a mayhem leading to questions whose answers are to be looked for.

And here, year after year it is becoming difficult for people to sit down with a book and read it and discover a world that is unimaginable otherwise. Some may blame technology in terms of internet, social media for such a loss, and some may find it more viable to blame the education system that has confined minds into thinking that knowledge is what textbooks hold. Waking up with a phone in hand, that has all sorts of apps, that keep all sorts of people in touch with one another is a good notion, but at the same time it is leading people to a life with various psychological problems such as attention maintenance problem, impatience, depression, low self-esteem, anxiety etc. At such a point, it is viable to know that internet was created to improve lives of people living around the world and not to stress them down and tie them up to a life that may not be productive. It is not right to neglect what good technology has done to the world but at the same time it is not right to neglect how it has enslaved the minds of people. The junk that we consume every single minute ranges from pages loaded with political propaganda to useless homemade videos. Are we born to consume this? Are we force fed? Can we decide as to what we should consume?

In addition to the relaxation that a book brings, it is possible that it may reveals a subject matter that is of spiritual importance and brings peace and tranquility or reveals a subject matter totally unknown which will definitely lead to a discovery or an invention. Reading has always been a major source of knowledge and wisdom, and apart from that it has always been a source of entertainment and inspiration. It enkindles the souls to write. Reading biographies or diaries of famous people infuses a quest to be great like them.   
