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Kashmir- The final solution shooting begins in kashmir

Kashmir- The final solution

Bollywood movie ‘Kashmir- The final solution’ shooting begins in Srinagar

Film shooting of a movie bollywood movie ‘Kashmir: The Final Solution’ produced and directed by Atlantic Productions and Yuvraj Kumar has begun in Kashmir. The shoot started on Friday morning in Botanical Garden in Srinagar.
Speaking to Rising Kashmir Actor and Director Yuvraj Kumar said the theme of the film itself describes what the film is about.
He said it took him two-and-half years to do research about Kashmir issue with the help of other stakeholders in Kashmir.
"Its 21st century and I don't believe in conflict," adding conflict can be resolved.
Yuvraj said Kashmir: The Final Resolution is a feature film which revisits the history of Kashmir.
“It analyses the conflicts of the past because of which Kashmir today is the nuclear flashpoint of the world.”
Director Yuvraj Kumar said he and the writer Sonal Sher has done intense research on Kashmir issue and came up a possible solution to this problem which will depicted in the movie.
The film propagates and revives the beautiful, pluralistic concept of Kashmiriyat in the film.
Kumar said movie is full of positivity and is going to showcase reality of what people are going through in Kashmir.
"It will expose realities and try to put forth final solution to Kashmir issue."
The lead actress Rippi Koul said this is something she wanted to do.
She said she was attracted by the subject of the film and got lucky to act as a lead actress.
Rippi Koul is a Kashmiri Pandit and is well aware of the suffering her family and friends are going through.
"Kashmiri people are very good be it Muslim, Sikh or a Pandit. Kashmiriyat is still there in people and that makes them warm," said Rippi Koul.
Kumar said they would shoot a discussion between a Kashmiri Pandit and Muslim family in Gulmarg. “Later we are also shooting in Pahalgam.”
He added shooting of movies in Kashmir has a large scope as the Valley is beautiful and offers different scenes.
"We are shooting an autumn scene this time and we will be back in harsh winters for other shots in snow," said Yuvraj.
