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The miracle of allopathy: A response to Baba Ramdev

The miracle of allopathy: A response to Baba Ramdev

Baba Ram dev

Allopathic medicine has deciphered the genetic code of a novel infectious agent, developed a slew of new vaccines to protect humans, tested them in large population trials, and got them to the market, in just one year

Even as the pandemic reaps a grim harvest as it rampages through the country, one of our eminent citizens has shot a volley at allopathic medicine, the branch of medicine I was trained in and which has never enjoyed as much attention in the global spotlight as in the past year. This is no ordinary citizen: He uniquely straddles the seemingly contrarian characteristics of being a top-of-his-batch holy man and, simultaneously, a business titan who has created a corporate empire peddling everything from shampoo and toothpaste to noodles and Ayurvedic medicine. A true exemplar of our national aspiration to highlight the glories of Indian tradition and entrepreneurship, neatly blended into one mesmerising creature.

Full report at The indianExpress
